Art & Technology 1201


For this assignment you will follow the instructions given to you in class to construct a sketchbook.

You will sketch plans for your assignments, paste reference photos and other images for inspiration in your sketchbook.

Your sketchbook is worth 30% of your mark.

You will be graded on:

  • Level of detail/ time & effort
  • Whether or not your sketch meets the requirements for the assignment

Elements & Principles of Design

This is your first drawing assignment. For this assignment you will show that you understand the elements and principles of design. View the prezi for details and drawing assignments.


Halloween Mask

View the prezi for instructions for project description and details.


Two Point Perspective


For this Assignment you will use Microsoft Paint to draw a cityscape.

Step 1: View the Prezi for instructions and examples.

Step 2: Watch the following video for a demonstration

Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 6.55.14 PM

Step 3: Using a pencil and a ruler draw a plan for your cityscape in two point perspective in your sketchbook.


Step 4:

Use Microsoft paint to complete your drawing of a cityscape in two point perspective.

How you will be graded:

  • Correct use of MS Paint to complete a two point perspective cityscape (minimum of 5 buildings) 20%
  • Drawing Includes details such as windows, sidewalks, roads, trees, clouds, shadows, reflections etc. 20%
  • Includes signage and text 20%
  • Creative use of colour 20%
  • Neatness/use of class time 20%


Christmas Pop-up card

For this assignment you will create three Christmas cards using two different pop up techniques.

Look at the examples given to you in class and visit the following website for pop-up techniques





How you will be graded:

  • Completion of three cards using two different pop up techniques 20%
  • Three different types of lettering or font with a Christmas greeting 20%
  • Includes cover image 20%
  • Use of colour 20%
  • neatness 20%


Colour Theory


View the Prezi for details and examples

Step 1: Complete the following worksheet and practice blending your coloured pencils.

worksheetStep 2: Design your colour wheel. Complete a geometrical design in triangle and trace it to complete the colour wheel. Make sure to label your colour wheel so you don’t get confused.


Step 3:

  • Use the colour pencil blending techniques to colour the design in your colour wheel.
  • Make sure to show primary, secondary and tertiary colours.
  • Use a black and white pencil to show shades and tints.

How you will be graded:

  • Colour wheel contains a repeating geometric design       20%
  • Contains primary, secondary and tertiary colour               20%
  • Evidence of shades and tints                                                    20%
  • Originality of design                                                                    20%
  • Neatness/use of class time                                                        20%


Tinted Landscape

tinted landscape

For this project you will be using to create a landscape scene and then painting it using watercolour Techniques.

  • Use to create a 5 layered landscape.
  • It must contain a recognizable landmark.
  • Show evidence of tints and shades.
  • Random hills/mountains will not be accepted.
  • You will use one colour & vary the shades and tints.
  • The image you create in will be a plan for your water colour painting.

Watch the video and follow step by step to create your own Tinted Landscape.

Six watercolour techniques:

Step 1: Sketchbook – Complete the 6 watercolour techniques demonstrated in class and glue them into your sketchbook.

1. Dry brushing
2. Wet on wet
3. Salt texture
4. Crayon resist
5. Hard edge
6. Lift-out



How you will be graded:

  • All techniques are correctly demonstrated.
  • Neatly glued in sketchbook
  • labeled
  • Use of class time/effort

Step 2: Watercolour painting

Using 3 watercolour techniques practiced, recreate the landscape design that you created in Paint.

  • First sketch out your design using pencil. Draw lightly so you can erase any pencil marks.
  • Paint from light to dark.

Pop Art Portrait



For this assignment you will be using Photoshop to create a “Pop Art Portrait”

First you will practice making a contour line drawing in Photoshop. Watch the Youtube video for instruction.

Sketchbook: Photoshop practice

Step 1: Contour Drawing

Watch the YouTube videos for instruction on how to complete the steps in your Pop Art Portrait.

 Step 2: Colour

Step 3: Halftone dots

How you will be graded:

  • Use of Photoshop pen tool to create a contour line drawing of a pop culture figure.20%
  • Two types of contour lines are evident – solid and simulate pressure. 20%
  • Correct use of Photoshop brush tool to add colour to portrait 20%
  • Colour and style of portrait reflects Pop Art movement 20%
  • Portrait contains halftone dots. 20%


Art History Research Project

For this assignment you will research an artist from the list. Find a painting by your chosen artist and complete the following assignment in your sketch book.

View the Prezi for details on the artists and art movements.

Include the following details in your sketchbook:

  • Artist’s name
  • Definition of the Art Movement associated with the artist
  • Detailed coloured drawing of your image
  • Title and date of the artwork

How you will be graded:

  • Image is detailed                                                     20%
  • Image is coloured                                                   20%
  • Date the image was created                                20%
  • name of artist is included                                     20%
  • Art movement the artist is associated with     20%

Choose from the following list of artists:

  1. George Braques
  2. Pablo Picasso
  3. Vincent Van Gogh
  4. Georges Seurat
  5. Paul Cezanne
  6. Claude Monet
  7. Edgar Degas
  8. Henri Matisse
  9. Wassily Kandinsky
  10. Edvard Munch

Plasticine Masterpiece

For this assignment you will use the painting you choose for your art history project and .  recreate it using plasticine.

Check the Prezi for details.

Watch the videos on plasticine techniques


How you will be graded:

  • Evidence of 3 plasticine methods (rolling, blending colours, texture)   20%
  • Accurate recreation of colour                                                                            20%
  • Accurate recreation of shape                                                                             20%
  • Detail                                                                                                                       20%
  • Neatness/use of class time                                                                                20%


Tunnel book


For this assignment you will combine photography, drawing & collage to create a tunnel book inspired by an original piece of poetry.

The theme for this project is culture & technology. Your project should illustrate this theme as well as the narritive & imagery in the poem.

 How you will be graded:

  • Contains 4 layers (Forground, middleground, background, frame & cover)    20%
  • Contains collage, drawing, text & orignal photography                                           40%
  • Effective use of symbolism to reflect the theme, & imagery of the poem        30%
  • Attention to detail/use of class time                                                                             10%


Watch the following video for instructions on how to construct the tunnel book.

View the prezi for more information, including videos and examples.