Two Point Perspective

Two Point Perspective


For this Assignment you will use Microsoft Paint to draw a cityscape.

Step 1: View the Prezi for instructions and examples.

Step 2: Watch the following video for a demonstration

Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 6.55.14 PM

Step 3: Using a pencil and a ruler draw a plan for your cityscape in two point perspective in your sketchbook.


Step 4:

Use Microsoft paint to complete your drawing of a cityscape in two point perspective.

How you will be graded:

  • Correct use of MS Paint to complete a two point perspective cityscape (minimum of 5 buildings) 20%
  • Drawing Includes details such as windows, sidewalks, roads, trees, clouds, shadows, reflections etc. 20%
  • Includes signage and text 20%
  • Creative use of colour 20%
  • Neatness/use of class time 20%

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